Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Labs

The CIRIC Team on Stochastic Analysis of Renewable Energies: Ocean Energy and Wind Farms; dynamics and numerics (2012-2014) is managed by TOSCA and ANESTOC (Univ Catolica, Santiago). It is composed of three main projects.

Mireille Bossy is managing the WINDPOS project, in collaboration with Antoine Rousseau (Lemon team) and two engineers of Inria Chile, Cristian Paris and Jacques Morice. Based on the stochastic Lagrangian modeling of the wind at small scale (see SDM software ), WINDPOS aims to develop a wind farm simulator software, able to provide fine statistical information for the managing of electricity production.

This year the WINDPOS project focused on the improvement on wind mills modeling in the SDM software (see [28] ). This modeling is based on our Lagrangian version of the actuator disc actuator line methods to take the mills into account. We evaluated and compared the case of non rotating and rotating actuator disc, and started to work on the validation of the approach by comparison with measurements.

Inria Associate Teams

  • Title: Stochastic modelling of biology and renewable energies

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (CHILI)

  • Duration: 2013 - 2016

  • See also: http://www.anestoc.cl/es/?page_id=1112

  • This French-Chilean Associated Team deals with stochastic modeling and simulation issues for renewable energies (wind and waves) and neurosciences. It is a follow-up of a long collaboration in which each of the side takes benefit from the other side know-how and structures. In particular, a part of the Associated Team is strongly related to the CIRIC project “Stochastic Analysis of Renewable Energy”. This project aims at transfering and valuing to Chilean companies the results of researches on renewable energies, mainly wind prediction at the windfarm's scale by developing and improving the Winpos software based on the downscaling methods, and waves energy potential of a site using video and developping stochastic models for the Wave Energy Converter called Oscillating Water Column.

    The other part of this Associated Team is related to neurosciences, more specifically by considering applications to ion-channel dynamics through cell membranes (jointly with biophysicists of the CINV, Neuroscience Centre of Valparaíso).

Participation In other International Programs

Math Amsud project SIN

Participant : Etienne Tanré.

It is likely that the stochastic components play an important role in the functions of the neurons and of the networks they form. We describe and study the effect of the noise at different scales of neural activity, such that the level of the ionic channels and the level of neural networks, which are responsible for conveying and processing the information coded in sequences of spikes. The most popular models of this class are leaky integrate and fire (LIF) neural networks. We study the synchronization of neurons in those networks.

The Math Amsud project SIN (Stochastic, Inference, Neuroscience) started in 2013. We worked specifically in 2014 on stochastic modelling in neuroscience.